Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 4 - Plan B

Literally just booked transport from our current location of the Cameron Highlands to the Perhentian Islands. Which, apparently, are a charming couple of islands off the east coast of Malaysia. The previous plan was to make our way to Koh Tao in Thailand for our island fix, but now that it's been evacuated due to all the flooding, we've had to come up with a plan B. So now we will be waiting out the storms in Thailand on a sunny, white sand beach in the middle of almost nowhere. Sounds like the perfect plan B to me!

Tonight is goodbye to the Cameron Highlands, which have been an absolute blast. Yesterday I hiked up Mt Berinchang, which is 2025m above sea level. I say hiked, but the last 300m or so were more like climbing, and I may have had a bit of a panic attack after a few too many slips, but I survived and have the bruises to prove it. The group I went hiking with were very fun and included; Mr Tori (a beautiful girl from Southampton UK), Bas (a sober Netherlander - who knew they existed?!), Mr Anderson (a man who thinks like a goat from Noway!), and last but not least Tom (who provided more Dad jokes than one needs in a lifetime).  

After we reached the summit, and sufficiently filled ourselves with h2o, salty snacks & sugar, we made our way to the breathtaking tea plantations, to drink tea & eat scones. However,  we were fortunate enough to stumble across a herd of goats so we stopped to play with them and feed them strawberries.  They were so cute, it reaffirmed my desire to work with animals at some stage in my life.

The tea plantations were amazing, and made for some awesome shots (I.e Tom and Tori amongst the Tea) and jokes were a plen-tea. The tea was delicious, the scones were sans cream, hence not so scrumptious, but the surroundings made up for it.

With tired legs and heavy eyes, we were rather sick of walking, so we hitchhiked our way back to the hostel, and when you are in the back of a pick up truck, the wind is in your face, someone else's hair is in your eyes and everyone is up for a laugh, life doesn't get much better, so it made for a fantastic end to day 3.

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